Convert to Geometry


    Object Mode


    Object ‣ Convert to ‣ Path, Bézier Curve, Polygon Curve

    In the 3D Viewport, sketches on the active layer can be converted to geometry, based on the current view settings, by transforming the points recorded when drawing (which make up the strokes) into 3D space. Currently, all points will be used, so it may be necessary to simplify or subdivide parts of the created geometry for standard use. Sketches can currently be converted into curves in Object Mode.


    The type of object to convert to.


    Converting to Mesh

    If you want to convert your sketch to a mesh, simply choose NURBS first, and then convert the created curve to a mesh.

    The to use for the converted curve object.

    Bevel Resolution

    The Bevel Resolution to use for the converted curve object.

    Normalize Weight

    Will scale weights value so that they fit into the (0.0 to 1.0) range.

    Radius Factor

    Multiplier for the points’ radii (set from the stroke’s width).

    Link Strokes

    Will create a single spline, i.e. curve element, from all strokes in active Grease Pencil layer. This is especially useful if you want to use the curve as a path. All the strokes are linked in the curve by “zero weights/radii” sections.

    Grease Pencil stores “dynamic” data, i.e. how fast strokes are drawn. When converting to curve, this data can be used to create an Evaluate Time F-curve (in other words, a path animation), that can be used e.g. to control another object’s position along that curve (Follow Path constraint, or, through a driver, Curve modifier). So this allows you to reproduce your drawing movements.

    Link Strokes has to be enabled for all timing options.

    Timing Mode

    This control lets you choose how timing data is used.

    • No Timing

      Just create the curve, without any animation data (hence all following options will be hidden).



      The path animation will reflect to original timing, including for the “gaps” (i.e. time between strokes drawing).

      Custom Gaps

      The path animation will reflect to original timing, but the “gaps” will get custom values. This is especially useful if you want to shorten large pauses between some strokes.

    Frame Range

    The “length” of the created path animation, in frames. In other words, the highest value of Evaluation Time.

    Start Frame

    The starting frame of the path animation.


    When enabled, the path animation will last exactly the same duration it has taken you to draw the strokes.

    End Frame

    When Realtime is disabled, this defines the end frame of the path animation. This means that the drawing timing will be adjusted to fit into the specified range.

    Gap Duration

    Custom Gaps only. The average duration (in frames) of each gap between strokes. Please note that, the value will only be exact if Realtime is enabled, otherwise it will be scaled, exactly as the strokes’ timing is.


    Here is a simple “hand writing” video created with curves converted from sketch data:

    The blend-file from the above example can be found .