
    1. Select the target mesh (to which you want to copy the UV map).

    2. Object menu ‣ Make Links… ‣ Transfer UV Layouts (Shortcut: Ctrl-L …).

    The target mesh will now have a UV map that matches the original mesh.

    You are not limited to one UV map per mesh. You can have multiple UV maps for parts of the mesh by creating new UV maps. This can be done by clicking the Add button next to and unwrapping a different part of the mesh. UV maps always include the whole mesh.




    You can lay them on top of one another, and they will onion skin (the bottom one will show through the top one). To move only one though, RMB select one of the UV coordinates, and use Select ‣ Linked UVs, Ctrl-L to select connected UVs, not box select because UVs from both will be selected.


    在展开物体时,常常会出现 “多数正确”但部分网格展开不当的问题,就像上面的例子。上面的图片展示了使用球面方式展开脸部的原始结果。问题出在耳朵上,它的UV变成了一坨,还有颈部,拉伸和收缩都很明显。这需要很多工夫来整理。


    We can tell that the ear would unwrap nicely with just a straightforward projection from the side view, and the neck with a tubular unwrap. So, our general approach will be to unwrap different parts of the object (face, ears, and so on) using different unwrap tool, selecting each tool according to which one works best for that part. So let us begin: We select only the “face” faces, unwrap them using the Sphere projection, and scale and rotate them somewhat to fit logically within the image area of the UV Editor.


    仅展开耳朵,使用 从视角投影

    Once we are satisfied with the face, it is time to turn our attention to the ear. First, unselect the faces you were working with. Their UVs will disappear from the UV Editor, but they are still there, just not shown. (To verify this, you can select a few faces in 3D View and it will show up in the UV Editor.)

    To work on the ear, in the 3D View, we now select only the “ear” faces. You can use vertex groups to select the ear faces. Selecting sub-meshes is easy too, since they are not connected to the rest of the mesh. Simply selecting linked vertices will select that entire submesh. Basically, since you are in Edit Mode, all the selecting/deselecting features are available to you.

    When all parts of the mesh have been unwrapped using the various methods, you should end up with something that looks like the example to the right. All sections of the mesh have been mapped, and all those maps are laid out in the same UV texture map. Congratulations! From here, it is a simple matter of “stitching” (discussed in the next section) to construct the entire UV map as a single map.


    When you have completed arranging and stitching, you will end up with a consolidated UV map, like that shown to the right, arranged such that a single image will cover, or paint, all of the mesh that needs detailed painting. All the detailed instructions on how to do this are contained in the next section. The point of this paragraph is to show you the ultimate goal. Note that the mesh shown is Mirrored along the Z axis, so the right side of the face is virtual; it is an exact copy of the right, so only one set of UVs actually exist. (If more realism is desired, the Mirror Modifier would be applied, resulting in a physical mirror and a complete head. You could then make both side physically different by editing one side and not the other. Unwrapping would produce a full set of UVs (for each side) and painting could thus be different for each side of the face, which is more realistic).

    At least for common people, we just do not “get it right the first time.” It takes building on an idea and iterating our creative process until we reach that magical milestone called “Done”. In software development, this is called the ‘spiral methodology’.

    Applied to computer graphics, we cycle between modeling, texturing, animating, and then back to making some modifications to mesh, UV mapping, tweaking the animation, adding a bone or two, finding out we need a few more faces, so back to modeling, etc. We continue going round and round like this until we either run out of time, money, or patience, or, in some rare cases, are actually happy with our results.


    Your only choice is to expand the size (scale out) that UV face. Using the Minimize Stretch or Scale tools, you expand the UV faces around the eyes or chest, allocating more pixels to those areas, but at the same time taking away pixels (detail) from something else, like the back of the head. After refining the UV map, you then edit the image so that it looks right and contains the details you want.
