What are shaders?

    Shaders can be used to create a wide range of effects (in fact everything drawn in a modern rendering engine is done with shaders).

    Writing shaders can also be very difficult for people unfamiliar with them. Godot tries to make writing shaders a little easier by exposing many useful built-in features and handling some of the lower-level initialization work for you. However, GLSL (the OpenGL Shading Language, which Godot uses) is still unintuitive and restricting, especially for users who are used to GDScript.

    Shaders are a special kind of program that runs on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). Most computers have some sort of GPU, either one integrated into their CPU or discrete (meaning it is a separate hardware component, for example, the typical graphics card). GPUs are especially useful for rendering because they are optimized for running thousands of instructions in parallel.

    The output of the shader is typically the colored pixels of the object drawn to the viewport. But some shaders allow for specialized outputs (this is especially true for APIs like Vulkan). Shaders operate inside the shader pipeline. The standard process is the vertex -> fragment shader pipeline. The vertex shader is used to decided where each vertex (point in a 3D model, or corner of a Sprite) goes and the fragment shader decides what color individual pixels receive.

    In a shader you are given access only to the inside of the loop so what you write looks like this:

    1. void fragment() {
    2. COLOR = some_color;
    3. }

    You have no control over how this function is called. So you have to design your shaders differently from how you would design programs on the CPU.

    A consequence of the shader pipeline is that you cannot access the results from a previous run of the shader, you cannot access other pixels from the pixel being drawn, and you cannot write outside of the current pixel being drawn. This enables the GPU to execute the shader for different pixels in parallel, as they do not depend on each other. This lack of flexibility is designed to work with the GPU which allows shaders to be incredibly fast.

    • position vertices very fast
    • compute lighting very fast
    • lots and lots of math

    What can’t they do

    • draw outside mesh
    • access other pixels from current pixel (or vertices)
    • store previous iterations

    In Godot, shaders are made up of 3 main functions: the function, the fragment() function and the light() function.

    The function runs for every pixel that is covered by the mesh. It uses the variables from the vertex() function to run. The variables from the vertex() function are interpolated between the vertices to provide the values for the fragment() function.

    The function runs for every pixel and for every light. It takes variables from the fragment() function and from previous runs of itself.

    For more information about how shaders operate specifically in Godot see the doc.

    GPUs are able to render graphics much faster than CPUs for a few reasons, but most notably, because they are able to run calculations massively in parallel. A CPU typically has 4 or 8 cores while a GPU typically has thousands. That means a GPU can do hundreds of tasks at once. GPU architects have exploited this in a way that allows for doing many calculations very quickly, but only when many or all cores are doing the same calculation at once, but with different data.