GDScript style guide

    Since GDScript is close to Python, this guide is inspired by Python’s programming styleguide.


    Godot’s built-in script editor uses a lot of these conventions by default. Let it help you.

    Indent type: Tabs (editor default)

    Indent size: 4 (editor default)

    Each indent level should be one greater than the block containing it.



    1. print("hello")
    2. for i in range(10):
    3. print("hello")

    Use 2 indent levels to distinguish continuation lines from regular code blocks.


    1. effect.interpolate_property(sprite, 'transform/scale',
    2. sprite.get_scale(), Vector2(2.0, 2.0), 0.3,


    1. effect.interpolate_property(sprite, 'transform/scale',
    2. sprite.get_scale(), Vector2(2.0, 2.0), 0.3,
    3. Tween.TRANS_QUAD, Tween.EASE_OUT)

    Blank lines

    1. func heal(amount):
    2. health += amount
    3. health = min(health, max_health)
    4. emit_signal("health_changed", health)
    5. func take_damage(amount, effect=null):
    6. health -= amount
    7. emit_signal("health_changed", health)

    Use one blank line inside functions to separate logical sections.

    One statement per line

    Never combine multiple statements on a single line. No, C programmers, not with a single line conditional statement (except with the ternary operator)!


    1. if position.x > width:
    2. position.x = 0
    3. if flag:
    4. print("flagged")


    Avoid parentheses in expressions and conditional statements. Unless necessary for order of operations, they only reduce readability.


    1. if is_colliding():
    2. queue_free()


    1. if (is_colliding()):


    Always use one space around operators and after commas. Avoid extra spaces in dictionary references and function calls, or to create “columns.”


    1. position.x = 5
    2. position.y = mpos.y + 10
    3. dict['key'] = 5
    4. myarray = [4, 5, 6]
    5. print('foo')


    1. position.x=5
    2. position.y = mpos.y+10
    3. dict ['key'] = 5
    4. print ('foo')


    1. x = 100
    2. y = 100
    3. velocity = 500

    Classes and nodes

    Use PascalCase: extends KinematicBody

    Also when loading a class into a constant or variable:

    Use snake_case: get_node()

    Prepend a single underscore (_) to virtual methods (functions the user must override), private functions, and private variables: func _ready()


    Use past tense:

    1. signal door_opened
    2. signal score_changed


    Use CONSTANT_CASE, all caps, with an underscore (_) to separate words: const MAX_SPEED = 200

    Since Godot 3.1, GDScript supports optional static typing.

    Place the colon right after the variable’s name, without a space, and let the GDScript compiler infer the variable’s type when possible.


    1. onready var health_bar: ProgressBar = get_node("UI/LifeBar")
    2. var health := 0 # The compiler will use the int type


    1. # The compiler can't infer the exact type and will use Node
    2. # instead of ProgressBar
    3. onready var health_bar := get_node("UI/LifeBar")

    When you let the compiler infer the type hint, write the colon and equal signs together: :=.