Submitting to the Asset Library

    As mentioned in the document, in order to be able to submit assets to the AssetLib, you need to have a registered account, and be logged in.

    Once you are logged in, you will be able to head over to the “Submit Assets” page of the AssetLib, which will look like this:

    While it may look like a lot (and there is more as you scroll down), each field is described in terms of what you should put in. We will nonetheless go over what is required in the submission form here as well.

    • Asset Name:

      The name of your asset. Should be a unique, descriptive title of what your asset is.

    • Category:

      The category that your asset belongs to, and will be shown in search results. The category is split into Addons and Projects. In-editor, assets of the Project type (Templates, Demos, Projects) only show up when viewing the AssetLib from the Project Manager, while assets of the Addon type will only be visible from inside a project.

    • Version:

    • Repository host:

      Assets uploaded to the AssetLib are not hosted on it directly. Instead, they point to repositories hosted on third-party Git providers, such as GitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket. This is where you choose which provider your asset uses, so the site can compute the final download link.

    • Repository URL:

      The URL to your asset’s files/webpage. This will vary based on your choice of provider, but it should look similar to<user>/<project&gt;.

    • Issues URL:

      The URL to your asset’s issue tracker. Again, this will differ from repository host to repository host, but will likely look similar to . You may leave this field empty if you use your provider’s issue tracker, and it’s part of the same repository.

    • Download Commit/Tag:

      The commit or tag of the asset. For example, b1d3172f89b86e52465a74f63a74ac84c491d3e1 or v1.0. The site computes the actual download URL from this.

    • License:

    • Description:

      Finally, you can use the Description field for a textual overview of your asset, its features and behavior, a changelog, et cetera. In the future, formatting with Markdown will be supported, but currently, your only option is plain text.

    You may also include up to three video and/or image previews, which will be shown at the bottom of the asset page. Use the “Enable” checkbox on each of the preview submission boxes to enable them.

    • Type:

      Either an image, or a video.

    • Image/YouTube URL:

      Either a link to the image, or to a video, hosted on YouTube.

    • Thumbnail URL:

      A URL to an image that will be used as a thumbnail for the preview. This option will be removed eventually, and thumbnails will be automatically computed instead.

    Once you are done, hit Submit. Your asset will be entered into the pending queue, which you can visit on the AssetLib here . The approval process is manual and may take up to a few days for your addon to be accepted (or rejected), so please be patient! You will be informed when your asset is reviewed. If it was rejected, you will be told why that may have been, and you will be able to submit it again with the appropriate changes. You may have some luck accelerating the approval process by messaging the moderators/assetlib reviewers on IRC (the #godotengine-atelier channel on Freenode), or the official Discord server.
