Compiling for macOS

    • SCons build system
    • Xcode (or the more lightweight Command Line Tools for Xcode)
    • Optional - yasm (for WebM SIMD optimizations)

    See also

    For a general overview of SCons usage for Godot, see .

    Start a terminal, go to the root dir of the engine source code and type:

    To create an .app like in the official builds, you need to use the template located in . Typically, for a “.64” optimised binary built with scons p=osx target=release_debug:

    1. user@host:~/godot$ cp -r misc/dist/ ./
    2. user@host:~/godot$ chmod +x

    All macOS versions after 10.6 are 64-bit exclusive, so the executable will be a “.64” file by default for most users. If you would like to compile a “.fat” executable which contains both 32 and 64-bit code, you can do so by specifying the bits in the scons command like so:

    It is possible to compile for macOS in a Linux environment (and maybe also in Windows with Cygwin). For that you will need OSXCross to be able to use macOS as target. First, follow the instructions to install it:

    1. user@host:~$ git clone /home/myuser/sources/osxcross
    1. Follow the instructions to package the SDK:

    After that, you will need to define the as the path to the OSXCross installation (the same place where you cloned the repository/extracted the zip), e.g.:

    Now you can compile with SCons like you normally would:

    1. user@host:~/godot$ scons platform=osx

    If you have an OSXCross SDK version different from the one expected by the SCons buildsystem, you can specify a custom one with the osxcross_sdk argument: