

    This can also be used to preview your animations — in the event your scene is too complex for your system to play back in real-time in the 3D Viewport.

    您可以使用 视图渲染 来渲染图像和动画。






    可以在 属性(Properties) ‣ 渲染(Render) ‣ 采样(Sampling) 菜单中设置采样和Alpha透明模式选项。 确保选中工作台或Eevee渲染引擎以查看适当的值。


    • 渲染尺寸

    • 文件格式 & 输出 (如文件路径、格式、压缩设置等)


    激活 视图渲染 将从当前活动视图渲染。 这意味着如果不在活动的相机机视图中,则使用虚拟相机来匹配当前视角。 要从相机的角度获取图像,请使用 Numpad0 命令进入活动的相机视图。

    你可以使用 Esc 来终止正常的渲染。


    使用 3D视图(3D Viewport) ‣ 视图(View) ‣ 视图渲染图像(Viewport Render Image) ,渲染静态图像。

    使用 3D视图(3D Viewport) ‣ 视图(View) ‣ 视图渲染动画(Viewport Render Animation) ,渲染动画。

    Render Keyframes

    To render an animation, but only those frames that have a keyframe, use 3D Viewport ‣ View ‣ Viewport Render Keyframes. This only renders those frames for which the selected objects have an animation key. The other frames are still written to the output, but will simply repeat the last-rendered frame.

    For example, when a six-frame animation is rendered, and the selected objects have a key on frames 3 and 5, the following frames will be output:

    1. The 1st frame is always rendered.

    2. The 1st frame is repeated because there is no key on this frame.

    3. The 3rd frame is repeated because there is no key on this frame.

    4. The 5th frame is rendered.

    5. The 5th frame is repeated because there is no key on this frame.

    可以使用 命令将视口渲染限制为特定区域。