
    Cloth interacts with and is affected by other moving objects, the wind and other forces, as well as a general aerodynamic model, all of which is under your control.

    Once Cloth physics have been added to a mesh, a Cloth will be added to the object’s modifier stack. As a modifier then, it can interact with other modifiers, such as Armature and Smooth. In these cases, the ultimate shape of the mesh is computed in accordance with the order of the modifier stack. For example, you should smooth the cloth after the modifier computes the shape of the cloth.

    您可以*应用*布料修改器来冻结或锁定当前帧处的网格形状,这样会删除修改器。 例如,您可以在桌子上铺上一块平布,让模拟运行,然后应用修改器。从这个意义上说,您正在使用模拟器来节省大量建模时间。




    Do Not Jump Ahead


    1. Designate the object as a “cloth” in the Physics tab of the Properties.

    2. 模拟与布料相互作用的其他偏转对象。确保修改器堆栈上的形变修改器位于任何其他网格变形修改器之后。

    3. 如果需要,可以给予物体颗粒,如从表面上掉下来的蒸汽。

    4. Run the simulation and adjust settings to obtain satisfactory results. The Timeline editors playback controls are great for this step.

    5. 在逐帧的基础上对网格进行较小的编辑,以修正较小的破洞。



    Internally, cloth physics is simulated with virtual springs that connect the vertices of a mesh. There are four types of springs that control how the cloth bends. These four types are defined below and illustrated in the following image:

    Illustration of cloth springs; tension springs (blue), compression springs (red), shear springs (cyan), and angular bending springs (green).

    Tension Springs

    Control the stiffness of the cloth.

    Compression Springs

    Control the amount of force required to collapse or compress the cloth.

    Shear Springs

    Like compression springs but it controls the angular deformation.

    Angular Bending Springs

    All four of these spring types can be controlled independently in the 物理属性 panel. While these settings control surface springs, optionally, internal springs can be used for 3D meshes and behave similarly to .