
    网格 可以用来关联物体之间的数据。

    顶点组可用于为一些操作提供群组或权重组。一个物体可以有多个权重组,并且可以在 权重绘制 模式,或者在 通过面板赋值。

    更多信息见 顶点组


    形态键可用于从一个形状变换至另一个形状。更多信息见 。

    UV 映射

    颜色数据可直接应用于物体顶点,而无需使用纹理或材质.在 顶点绘制 模式下对顶点绘制颜色.

    Face Maps

    Face Maps create custom gizmos to deform meshes by assigning faces to Face Maps. Face Maps can be used to rig quickly within object mode and without making complicated rigging setups. Face Maps are currently not fully implemented in Blender and require add-ons to take full advantage of this feature.

    See also


    更多信息见 法向属性.


    更多信息见 .


    Mesh objects, in particular meshes that have been modeled to represent organic objects, often have geometry that is not particularly uniform. This can cause problems if the object needs to be rigged or just needs simpler geometry for workflows such as 3D printing. Remeshing is a technique that rebuilds the geometry with a more uniform topology. Remeshing can either add or remove the amount of topology depending on the defined resolution. Remeshing is especially useful for , to generate better topology after blocking out the initial shape.


    可以有不同的自定义数据连接到网格物体,这些数据经常在软件内部被使用,也可以导出. 导出. 查阅 获取更多信息.