
    The two operating modes: and Parameter Editor — allow a powerful diversity of line styles and results. Line styles such as Japanese big brush, cartoon, blueprint, thickness-with-depth are already pre-scripted in Python. The Parameter Editor mode allows intuitive editing of features such as dotted lines and easy setup of multiple line types and edge definitions. On top of all of that, with line style modifiers, the sky is the limit!

    • Activate Freestyle by the Properties ‣ Render ‣ Freestyle checkbox.
    • Freestyle settings are located in the properties.
    • A view map can have multiple Line Sets.
    • 一个line set控制哪种线条类型和选项将被用于渲染,基于你场景中的线条。
    • Each line set uses one line style (which can be shared between multiple Line Sets).
    • A line style tells Freestyle how to render the linked Line Sets in terms of color, alpha, thickness and other aspects.

    Block diagram of Freestyle view map and processes.


    • Only faced mesh objects are supported.
    • 面与面相交出无法检测到边缘。
    • Freestyle rendering results do not have any Z depth information.
    • 不支持全景相机。