
    Inherited By: , GIProbe, , Light, , RootMotionView

    Parent of all visual 3D nodes.

    The is used to connect a resource to a visual representation. All visual 3D nodes inherit from the VisualInstance. In general, you should not access the VisualInstance properties directly as they are accessed and managed by the nodes that inherit from VisualInstance. VisualInstance is the node representation of the instance.

    This object will only be visible for s whose cull mask includes the render object this VisualInstance is set to.

    • AABB get_aabb ( ) const

    Returns the (also known as the bounding box) for this VisualInstance. See also get_transformed_aabb.

    Returns the RID of the resource associated with this . For example, if the Node is a , this will return the RID of the associated Mesh.

    • get_instance ( ) const

    • bool get_layer_mask_bit ( layer ) const

    Returns true when the specified layer is enabled in layers and false otherwise.

    • get_transformed_aabb ( ) const

    Returns the transformed AABB (also known as the bounding box) for this VisualInstance.

    Transformed in this case means the plus the position, rotation, and scale of the Spatial‘s . See also get_aabb.

    • void set_layer_mask_bit ( layer, bool enabled )

    Enables a particular layer in .