
    Singleton for saving Godot-specific resource types.

    Singleton for saving Godot-specific resource types to the filesystem.

    enum SaverFlags:

    • FLAG_RELATIVE_PATHS = 1 —- Save the resource with a path relative to the scene which uses it.
    • FLAG_BUNDLE_RESOURCES = 2 —- Bundles external resources.
    • FLAG_CHANGE_PATH = 4 —- Changes the of the saved resource to match its new location.
    • FLAG_SAVE_BIG_ENDIAN = 16 —- Save as big endian (see File.endian_swap).
    • FLAG_COMPRESS = 32 —- Compress the resource on save using . Only available for binary resource types.
    • FLAG_REPLACE_SUBRESOURCE_PATHS = 64 —- Take over the paths of the saved subresources (see Resource.take_over_path).

    Returns the list of extensions available for saving a resource of a given type.

    The flags bitmask can be specified to customize the save behavior.

    Returns on success.