
    Used by the editor to extend its functionality.

    Plugins are used by the editor to extend functionality. The most common types of plugins are those which edit a given node or resource type, import plugins and export plugins. See also to add functions to the editor.



    • main_screen_changed ( screen_name )

    Emitted when user changes the workspace (2D, 3D, Script, AssetLib). Also works with custom screens defined by plugins.

    • scene_changed ( scene_root )

    Emitted when the scene is changed in the editor. The argument will return the root node of the scene that has just become active. If this scene is new and empty, the argument will be .

    • scene_closed ( String filepath )

    Emitted when user closes a scene. The argument is file path to a closed scene.

    enum CustomControlContainer:


    enum DockSlot:

    • DOCK_SLOT_MAX = 8 —- Represents the size of the enum.

    Method Descriptions

    • void add_autoload_singleton ( String name, path )

    Adds a script at path to the Autoload list as name.

    Adds a control to the bottom panel (together with Output, Debug, Animation, etc). Returns a reference to the button added. It’s up to you to hide/show the button when needed. When your plugin is deactivated, make sure to remove your custom control with and free it with Node.queue_free.

    • void add_control_to_container ( container, Control control )

    Adds a custom control to a container (see ). There are many locations where custom controls can be added in the editor UI.

    Please remember that you have to manage the visibility of your custom controls yourself (and likely hide it after adding it).

    When your plugin is deactivated, make sure to remove your custom control with remove_control_from_container and free it with .

    Adds the control to a specific dock slot (see DockSlot for options).

    If the dock is repositioned and as long as the plugin is active, the editor will save the dock position on further sessions.

    When your plugin is deactivated, make sure to remove your custom control with and free it with Node.queue_free.

    • void add_custom_type ( type, String base, script, Texture icon )

    Adds a custom type, which will appear in the list of nodes or resources. An icon can be optionally passed.

    When given node or resource is selected, the base type will be instanced (ie, “Spatial”, “Control”, “Resource”), then the script will be loaded and set to this object.

    You can use the virtual method to check if your custom object is being edited by checking the script or using the is keyword.

    During run-time, this will be a simple object with a script so this function does not need to be called then.

    Registers a new export plugin. Export plugins are used when the project is being exported. See for more information.

    • void add_inspector_plugin ( plugin )

    • void add_spatial_gizmo_plugin ( plugin )

    • void add_tool_menu_item ( String name, handler, String callback, ud=null )

    Adds a custom menu item to Project > Tools as name that calls callback on an instance of handler with a parameter ud when user activates it.

    • void add_tool_submenu_item ( String name, submenu )

    • void apply_changes ( ) virtual

    This method is called when the editor is about to save the project, switch to another tab, etc. It asks the plugin to apply any pending state changes to ensure consistency.

    This is used, for example, in shader editors to let the plugin know that it must apply the shader code being written by the user to the object.

    • bool build ( ) virtual

    • void clear ( ) virtual

    Clear all the state and reset the object being edited to zero. This ensures your plugin does not keep editing a currently existing node, or a node from the wrong scene.

    • void disable_plugin ( ) virtual

    Called by the engine when the user disables the EditorPlugin in the Plugin tab of the project settings window.

    • void edit ( object ) virtual

    This function is used for plugins that edit specific object types (nodes or resources). It requests the editor to edit the given object.

    • void enable_plugin ( ) virtual

    Called by the engine when the user enables the EditorPlugin in the Plugin tab of the project settings window.

    • void forward_canvas_draw_over_viewport ( Control overlay ) virtual

    Called by the engine when the 2D editor’s viewport is updated. Use the overlay for drawing. You can update the viewport manually by calling update_overlays.

    • void forward_canvas_force_draw_over_viewport ( overlay ) virtual

    This method is the same as forward_canvas_draw_over_viewport, except it draws on top of everything. Useful when you need an extra layer that shows over anything else.

    You need to enable calling of this method by using .

    • bool forward_canvas_gui_input ( event ) virtual

    Called when there is a root node in the current edited scene, handles is implemented and an happens in the 2D viewport. Intercepts the InputEvent, if return true EditorPlugin consumes the event, otherwise forwards to other Editor classes. Example:

    1. # Prevents the InputEvent to reach other Editor classes
    2. func forward_canvas_gui_input(event):
    3. var forward = true
    4. return forward

    Must return false in order to forward the to other Editor classes. Example:

    • void forward_spatial_draw_over_viewport ( Control overlay ) virtual

    Called by the engine when the 3D editor’s viewport is updated. Use the overlay for drawing. You can update the viewport manually by calling update_overlays.

    1. func forward_spatial_draw_over_viewport(overlay):
    2. # Draw a circle at cursor position.
    3. overlay.draw_circle(overlay.get_local_mouse_position(), 64)
    4. func forward_spatial_gui_input(camera, event):
    5. if event is InputEventMouseMotion:
    6. # Redraw viewport when cursor is moved.
    7. update_overlays()
    8. return true
    9. return false

    • void forward_spatial_force_draw_over_viewport ( overlay ) virtual

    This method is the same as forward_spatial_draw_over_viewport, except it draws on top of everything. Useful when you need an extra layer that shows over anything else.

    You need to enable calling of this method by using .

    Called when there is a root node in the current edited scene, is implemented and an InputEvent happens in the 3D viewport. Intercepts the , if EditorPlugin consumes the event, otherwise forwards event to other Editor classes. Example:

    Must return false in order to forward the InputEvent to other Editor classes. Example:

    1. # Consumes InputEventMouseMotion and forwards other InputEvent types
    2. var forward = false
    3. if event is InputEventMouseMotion:
    4. forward = true
    5. return forward

    • get_breakpoints ( ) virtual

    This is for editors that edit script-based objects. You can return a list of breakpoints in the format (script:line), for example: res://path_to_script.gd:25.

    Returns the object that gives you control over Godot editor’s window and its functionalities.

    • Texture get_plugin_icon ( ) virtual

    Override this method in your plugin to return a in order to give it an icon.

    For main screen plugins, this appears at the top of the screen, to the right of the “2D”, “3D”, “Script”, and “AssetLib” buttons.

    Ideally, the plugin icon should be white with a transparent background and 16x16 pixels in size.

    • String get_plugin_name ( ) virtual

    For main screen plugins, this appears at the top of the screen, to the right of the “2D”, “3D”, “Script”, and “AssetLib” buttons.

    • get_script_create_dialog ( )

    Gets the Editor’s dialogue used for making scripts.

    Note: Users can configure it before use.

    Gets the state of your plugin editor. This is used when saving the scene (so state is kept when opening it again) and for switching tabs (so state can be restored when the tab returns).

    • get_undo_redo ( )

    Gets the undo/redo object. Most actions in the editor can be undoable, so use this object to make sure this happens when it’s worth it.

    • void get_window_layout ( ConfigFile layout ) virtual

    Gets the GUI layout of the plugin. This is used to save the project’s editor layout when is called or the editor layout was changed(For example changing the position of a dock).

    • bool handles ( object ) virtual

    Implement this function if your plugin edits a specific type of object (Resource or Node). If you return true, then you will get the functions edit and called when the editor requests them. If you have declared the methods forward_canvas_gui_input and these will be called too.

    • bool has_main_screen ( ) virtual

    Returns true if this is a main screen editor plugin (it goes in the workspace selector together with 2D, 3D, Script and AssetLib).

    • void hide_bottom_panel ( )

    • void make_bottom_panel_item_visible ( item )

    • void make_visible ( bool visible ) virtual

    This function will be called when the editor is requested to become visible. It is used for plugins that edit a specific object type.

    Remember that you have to manage the visibility of all your editor controls manually.

    • void queue_save_layout ( ) const

    Queue save the project’s editor layout.

    • void remove_autoload_singleton ( name )

    Removes an Autoload name from the list.

    • void remove_control_from_bottom_panel ( Control control )

    Removes the control from the bottom panel. You have to manually the control.

    Removes the control from the specified container. You have to manually Node.queue_free the control.

    • void remove_control_from_docks ( control )

    Removes the control from the dock. You have to manually Node.queue_free the control.

    • void remove_custom_type ( type )

    Removes a custom type added by add_custom_type.

    • void remove_export_plugin ( plugin )

    • void remove_inspector_plugin ( plugin )

    • void remove_spatial_gizmo_plugin ( plugin )

    • void remove_tool_menu_item ( String name )

    Removes a menu name from Project > Tools.

    • void save_external_data ( ) virtual

    This method is called after the editor saves the project or when it’s closed. It asks the plugin to save edited external scenes/resources.

    • void set_force_draw_over_forwarding_enabled ( )

    Enables calling of for the 2D editor and forward_spatial_force_draw_over_viewport for the 3D editor when their viewports are updated. You need to call this method only once and it will work permanently for this plugin.

    • void set_input_event_forwarding_always_enabled ( )

    Use this method if you always want to receive inputs from 3D view screen inside . It might be especially usable if your plugin will want to use raycast in the scene.

    Restore the state saved by .

    • void set_window_layout ( ConfigFile layout ) virtual

    • update_overlays ( ) const

    Updates the overlays of the 2D and 3D editor viewport. Causes methods forward_canvas_draw_over_viewport, , forward_spatial_draw_over_viewport and to be called.