
    Inherited By:

    Server interface for low-level physics access.

    PhysicsServer is the server responsible for all 3D physics. It can create many kinds of physics objects, but does not insert them on the node tree.

    enum JointType:

    • JOINT_PIN = 0 —- The Joint is a .
    • JOINT_HINGE = 1 —- The Joint is a .
    • JOINT_SLIDER = 2 —- The Joint is a .
    • JOINT_CONE_TWIST = 3 —- The Joint is a .
    • JOINT_6DOF = 4 —- The Joint is a .

    enum PinJointParam:

    • PIN_JOINT_BIAS = 0 —- The strength with which the pinned objects try to stay in positional relation to each other.

    The higher, the stronger.

    • PIN_JOINT_DAMPING = 1 —- The strength with which the pinned objects try to stay in velocity relation to each other.

    The higher, the stronger.

    • PIN_JOINT_IMPULSE_CLAMP = 2 —- If above 0, this value is the maximum value for an impulse that this Joint puts on its ends.

    enum HingeJointParam:

    • HINGE_JOINT_BIAS = 0 —- The speed with which the two bodies get pulled together when they move in different directions.
    • HINGE_JOINT_LIMIT_UPPER = 1 —- The maximum rotation across the Hinge.
    • HINGE_JOINT_LIMIT_LOWER = 2 —- The minimum rotation across the Hinge.
    • HINGE_JOINT_LIMIT_BIAS = 3 —- The speed with which the rotation across the axis perpendicular to the hinge gets corrected.
    • HINGE_JOINT_LIMIT_RELAXATION = 5 —- The lower this value, the more the rotation gets slowed down.
    • HINGE_JOINT_MOTOR_TARGET_VELOCITY = 6 —- Target speed for the motor.
    • HINGE_JOINT_MOTOR_MAX_IMPULSE = 7 —- Maximum acceleration for the motor.

    enum HingeJointFlag:

    • HINGE_JOINT_FLAG_USE_LIMIT = 0 —- If , the Hinge has a maximum and a minimum rotation.
    • HINGE_JOINT_FLAG_ENABLE_MOTOR = 1 —- If true, a motor turns the Hinge.

    enum SliderJointParam:

    • SLIDER_JOINT_LINEAR_LIMIT_UPPER = 0 —- The maximum difference between the pivot points on their X axis before damping happens.
    • SLIDER_JOINT_LINEAR_LIMIT_LOWER = 1 —- The minimum difference between the pivot points on their X axis before damping happens.
    • SLIDER_JOINT_LINEAR_LIMIT_SOFTNESS = 2 —- A factor applied to the movement across the slider axis once the limits get surpassed. The lower, the slower the movement.
    • SLIDER_JOINT_LINEAR_LIMIT_RESTITUTION = 3 —- The amount of restitution once the limits are surpassed. The lower, the more velocityenergy gets lost.
    • SLIDER_JOINT_LINEAR_LIMIT_DAMPING = 4 —- The amount of damping once the slider limits are surpassed.
    • SLIDER_JOINT_LINEAR_MOTION_SOFTNESS = 5 —- A factor applied to the movement across the slider axis as long as the slider is in the limits. The lower, the slower the movement.
    • SLIDER_JOINT_LINEAR_MOTION_RESTITUTION = 6 —- The amount of restitution inside the slider limits.
    • SLIDER_JOINT_LINEAR_MOTION_DAMPING = 7 —- The amount of damping inside the slider limits.
    • SLIDER_JOINT_LINEAR_ORTHOGONAL_SOFTNESS = 8 —- A factor applied to the movement across axes orthogonal to the slider.
    • SLIDER_JOINT_LINEAR_ORTHOGONAL_RESTITUTION = 9 —- The amount of restitution when movement is across axes orthogonal to the slider.
    • SLIDER_JOINT_LINEAR_ORTHOGONAL_DAMPING = 10 —- The amount of damping when movement is across axes orthogonal to the slider.
    • SLIDER_JOINT_ANGULAR_LIMIT_UPPER = 11 —- The upper limit of rotation in the slider.
    • SLIDER_JOINT_ANGULAR_LIMIT_LOWER = 12 —- The lower limit of rotation in the slider.
    • SLIDER_JOINT_ANGULAR_LIMIT_SOFTNESS = 13 —- A factor applied to the all rotation once the limit is surpassed.
    • SLIDER_JOINT_ANGULAR_LIMIT_RESTITUTION = 14 —- The amount of restitution of the rotation when the limit is surpassed.
    • SLIDER_JOINT_ANGULAR_LIMIT_DAMPING = 15 —- The amount of damping of the rotation when the limit is surpassed.
    • SLIDER_JOINT_ANGULAR_MOTION_SOFTNESS = 16 —- A factor that gets applied to the all rotation in the limits.
    • SLIDER_JOINT_ANGULAR_MOTION_RESTITUTION = 17 —- The amount of restitution of the rotation in the limits.
    • SLIDER_JOINT_ANGULAR_MOTION_DAMPING = 18 —- The amount of damping of the rotation in the limits.
    • SLIDER_JOINT_ANGULAR_ORTHOGONAL_SOFTNESS = 19 —- A factor that gets applied to the all rotation across axes orthogonal to the slider.
    • SLIDER_JOINT_ANGULAR_ORTHOGONAL_RESTITUTION = 20 —- The amount of restitution of the rotation across axes orthogonal to the slider.
    • SLIDER_JOINT_ANGULAR_ORTHOGONAL_DAMPING = 21 —- The amount of damping of the rotation across axes orthogonal to the slider.
    • SLIDER_JOINT_MAX = 22 —- Represents the size of the SliderJointParam enum.

    enum ConeTwistJointParam:

    • CONE_TWIST_JOINT_SWING_SPAN = 0 —- Swing is rotation from side to side, around the axis perpendicular to the twist axis.

    The swing span defines, how much rotation will not get corrected along the swing axis.

    Could be defined as looseness in the .

    If below 0.05, this behavior is locked.

    • CONE_TWIST_JOINT_TWIST_SPAN = 1 —- Twist is the rotation around the twist axis, this value defined how far the joint can twist.

    Twist is locked if below 0.05.

    • CONE_TWIST_JOINT_BIAS = 2 —- The speed with which the swing or twist will take place.

    The higher, the faster.

    • CONE_TWIST_JOINT_SOFTNESS = 3 —- The ease with which the Joint twists, if it’s too low, it takes more force to twist the joint.
    • CONE_TWIST_JOINT_RELAXATION = 4 —- Defines, how fast the swing- and twist-speed-difference on both sides gets synced.

    enum G6DOFJointAxisParam:

    • G6DOF_JOINT_LINEAR_LOWER_LIMIT = 0 —- The minimum difference between the pivot points’ axes.
    • G6DOF_JOINT_LINEAR_UPPER_LIMIT = 1 —- The maximum difference between the pivot points’ axes.
    • G6DOF_JOINT_LINEAR_LIMIT_SOFTNESS = 2 —- A factor that gets applied to the movement across the axes. The lower, the slower the movement.
    • G6DOF_JOINT_LINEAR_RESTITUTION = 3 —- The amount of restitution on the axes movement. The lower, the more velocity-energy gets lost.
    • G6DOF_JOINT_LINEAR_DAMPING = 4 —- The amount of damping that happens at the linear motion across the axes.
    • G6DOF_JOINT_LINEAR_MOTOR_TARGET_VELOCITY = 5 —- The velocity that the joint’s linear motor will attempt to reach.
    • G6DOF_JOINT_LINEAR_MOTOR_FORCE_LIMIT = 6 —- The maximum force that the linear motor can apply while trying to reach the target velocity.
    • G6DOF_JOINT_ANGULAR_LOWER_LIMIT = 10 —- The minimum rotation in negative direction to break loose and rotate around the axes.
    • G6DOF_JOINT_ANGULAR_UPPER_LIMIT = 11 —- The minimum rotation in positive direction to break loose and rotate around the axes.
    • G6DOF_JOINT_ANGULAR_LIMIT_SOFTNESS = 12 —- A factor that gets multiplied onto all rotations across the axes.
    • G6DOF_JOINT_ANGULAR_DAMPING = 13 —- The amount of rotational damping across the axes. The lower, the more dampening occurs.
    • G6DOF_JOINT_ANGULAR_RESTITUTION = 14 —- The amount of rotational restitution across the axes. The lower, the more restitution occurs.
    • G6DOF_JOINT_ANGULAR_FORCE_LIMIT = 15 —- The maximum amount of force that can occur, when rotating around the axes.
    • G6DOF_JOINT_ANGULAR_ERP = 16 —- When correcting the crossing of limits in rotation across the axes, this error tolerance factor defines how much the correction gets slowed down. The lower, the slower.
    • G6DOF_JOINT_ANGULAR_MOTOR_TARGET_VELOCITY = 17 —- Target speed for the motor at the axes.
    • G6DOF_JOINT_ANGULAR_MOTOR_FORCE_LIMIT = 18 —- Maximum acceleration for the motor at the axes.

    enum G6DOFJointAxisFlag:

    • G6DOF_JOINT_FLAG_ENABLE_LINEAR_LIMIT = 0 —- If set there is linear motion possible within the given limits.
    • G6DOF_JOINT_FLAG_ENABLE_ANGULAR_LIMIT = 1 —- If set there is rotational motion possible.
    • G6DOF_JOINT_FLAG_ENABLE_MOTOR = 4 —- If there is a rotational motor across these axes.
    • G6DOF_JOINT_FLAG_ENABLE_LINEAR_MOTOR = 5 —- If set there is a linear motor on this axis that targets a specific velocity.

    enum ShapeType:

    • SHAPE_PLANE = 0 —- The Shape is a .
    • SHAPE_RAY = 1 —- The Shape is a .
    • SHAPE_SPHERE = 2 —- The Shape is a .
    • SHAPE_BOX = 3 —- The Shape is a .
    • SHAPE_CAPSULE = 4 —- The Shape is a .
    • SHAPE_CYLINDER = 5 —- The Shape is a .
    • SHAPE_CONVEX_POLYGON = 6 —- The Shape is a .
    • SHAPE_CONCAVE_POLYGON = 7 —- The Shape is a .
    • SHAPE_HEIGHTMAP = 8 —- The Shape is a .
    • SHAPE_CUSTOM = 9 —- This constant is used internally by the engine. Any attempt to create this kind of shape results in an error.

    enum AreaParameter:

    • AREA_PARAM_GRAVITY_VECTOR = 1 —- Constant to set/get gravity vector/center in an area.
    • AREA_PARAM_GRAVITY_IS_POINT = 2 —- Constant to set/get whether the gravity vector of an area is a direction, or a center point.
    • AREA_PARAM_GRAVITY_DISTANCE_SCALE = 3 —- Constant to set/get the falloff factor for point gravity of an area. The greater this value is, the faster the strength of gravity decreases with the square of distance.
    • AREA_PARAM_GRAVITY_POINT_ATTENUATION = 4 —- This constant was used to set/get the falloff factor for point gravity. It has been superseded by AREA_PARAM_GRAVITY_DISTANCE_SCALE.
    • AREA_PARAM_LINEAR_DAMP = 5 —- Constant to set/get the linear dampening factor of an area.
    • AREA_PARAM_ANGULAR_DAMP = 6 —- Constant to set/get the angular dampening factor of an area.
    • AREA_PARAM_PRIORITY = 7 —- Constant to set/get the priority (order of processing) of an area.

    enum AreaSpaceOverrideMode:

    • AREA_SPACE_OVERRIDE_DISABLED = 0 —- This area does not affect gravity/damp. These are generally areas that exist only to detect collisions, and objects entering or exiting them.
    • AREA_SPACE_OVERRIDE_COMBINE = 1 —- This area adds its gravity/damp values to whatever has been calculated so far. This way, many overlapping areas can combine their physics to make interesting effects.
    • AREA_SPACE_OVERRIDE_COMBINE_REPLACE = 2 —- This area adds its gravity/damp values to whatever has been calculated so far. Then stops taking into account the rest of the areas, even the default one.
    • AREA_SPACE_OVERRIDE_REPLACE = 3 —- This area replaces any gravity/damp, even the default one, and stops taking into account the rest of the areas.
    • AREA_SPACE_OVERRIDE_REPLACE_COMBINE = 4 —- This area replaces any gravity/damp calculated so far, but keeps calculating the rest of the areas, down to the default one.

    enum BodyMode:

    • BODY_MODE_STATIC = 0 —- Constant for static bodies.
    • BODY_MODE_KINEMATIC = 1 —- Constant for kinematic bodies.
    • BODY_MODE_RIGID = 2 —- Constant for rigid bodies.
    • BODY_MODE_CHARACTER = 3 —- Constant for rigid bodies in character mode. In this mode, a body can not rotate, and only its linear velocity is affected by physics.

    enum BodyParameter:

    • BODY_PARAM_BOUNCE = 0 —- Constant to set/get a body’s bounce factor.
    • BODY_PARAM_FRICTION = 1 —- Constant to set/get a body’s friction.
    • BODY_PARAM_MASS = 2 —- Constant to set/get a body’s mass.
    • BODY_PARAM_GRAVITY_SCALE = 3 —- Constant to set/get a body’s gravity multiplier.
    • BODY_PARAM_LINEAR_DAMP = 4 —- Constant to set/get a body’s linear dampening factor.
    • BODY_PARAM_ANGULAR_DAMP = 5 —- Constant to set/get a body’s angular dampening factor.
    • BODY_PARAM_MAX = 6 —- Represents the size of the enum.

    enum BodyState:

    • BODY_STATE_TRANSFORM = 0 —- Constant to set/get the current transform matrix of the body.
    • BODY_STATE_LINEAR_VELOCITY = 1 —- Constant to set/get the current linear velocity of the body.
    • BODY_STATE_ANGULAR_VELOCITY = 2 —- Constant to set/get the current angular velocity of the body.
    • BODY_STATE_SLEEPING = 3 —- Constant to sleep/wake up a body, or to get whether it is sleeping.
    • BODY_STATE_CAN_SLEEP = 4 —- Constant to set/get whether the body can sleep.

    enum AreaBodyStatus:

    • AREA_BODY_ADDED = 0 —- The value of the first parameter and area callback function receives, when an object enters one of its shapes.
    • AREA_BODY_REMOVED = 1 —- The value of the first parameter and area callback function receives, when an object exits one of its shapes.

    enum ProcessInfo:

    • INFO_ACTIVE_OBJECTS = 0 —- Constant to get the number of objects that are not sleeping.
    • INFO_COLLISION_PAIRS = 1 —- Constant to get the number of possible collisions.
    • INFO_ISLAND_COUNT = 2 —- Constant to get the number of space regions where a collision could occur.

    enum SpaceParameter:

    • SPACE_PARAM_CONTACT_RECYCLE_RADIUS = 0 —- Constant to set/get the maximum distance a pair of bodies has to move before their collision status has to be recalculated.
    • SPACE_PARAM_CONTACT_MAX_SEPARATION = 1 —- Constant to set/get the maximum distance a shape can be from another before they are considered separated.
    • SPACE_PARAM_BODY_MAX_ALLOWED_PENETRATION = 2 —- Constant to set/get the maximum distance a shape can penetrate another shape before it is considered a collision.
    • SPACE_PARAM_BODY_LINEAR_VELOCITY_SLEEP_THRESHOLD = 3 —- Constant to set/get the threshold linear velocity of activity. A body marked as potentially inactive for both linear and angular velocity will be put to sleep after the time given.
    • SPACE_PARAM_BODY_ANGULAR_VELOCITY_SLEEP_THRESHOLD = 4 —- Constant to set/get the threshold angular velocity of activity. A body marked as potentially inactive for both linear and angular velocity will be put to sleep after the time given.
    • SPACE_PARAM_BODY_TIME_TO_SLEEP = 5 —- Constant to set/get the maximum time of activity. A body marked as potentially inactive for both linear and angular velocity will be put to sleep after this time.
    • SPACE_PARAM_CONSTRAINT_DEFAULT_BIAS = 7 —- Constant to set/get the default solver bias for all physics constraints. A solver bias is a factor controlling how much two objects “rebound”, after violating a constraint, to avoid leaving them in that state because of numerical imprecision.

    enum BodyAxis:

    • void area_add_shape ( RID area, shape, Transform transform=Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ), disabled=false )

    Adds a shape to the area, along with a transform matrix. Shapes are usually referenced by their index, so you should track which shape has a given index.

    • void area_attach_object_instance_id ( RID area, id )

    Assigns the area to a descendant of Object, so it can exist in the node tree.

    • void area_clear_shapes ( area )

    Removes all shapes from an area. It does not delete the shapes, so they can be reassigned later.

    • RID area_create ( )

    Creates an .

    • int area_get_object_instance_id ( area ) const

    Gets the instance ID of the object the area is assigned to.

    Returns an area parameter value. A list of available parameters is on the constants.

    • RID area_get_shape ( area, int shape_idx ) const

    Returns the of the nth shape of an area.

    • int area_get_shape_count ( area ) const

    Returns the number of shapes assigned to an area.

    • Transform area_get_shape_transform ( area, int shape_idx ) const

    Returns the transform matrix of a shape within an area.

    • area_get_space ( RID area ) const

    Returns the space assigned to the area.

    • area_get_space_override_mode ( RID area ) const

    Returns the space override mode for the area.

    • area_get_transform ( RID area ) const

    Returns the transform matrix for an area.

    • area_is_ray_pickable ( RID area ) const

    If true, area collides with rays.

    • void area_remove_shape ( area, int shape_idx )

    Removes a shape from an area. It does not delete the shape, so it can be reassigned later.

    • void area_set_area_monitor_callback ( area, Object receiver, method )

    • void area_set_collision_layer ( RID area, layer )

    Assigns the area to one or many physics layers.

    • void area_set_collision_mask ( RID area, mask )

    Sets which physics layers the area will monitor.

    • void area_set_monitor_callback ( RID area, receiver, String method )

    1: or AREA_BODY_REMOVED, depending on whether the object entered or exited the area.

    2: of the object that entered/exited the area.

    3: Instance ID of the object that entered/exited the area.

    4: The shape index of the object that entered/exited the area.

    5: The shape index of the area where the object entered/exited.

    • void area_set_monitorable ( RID area, monitorable )

    • void area_set_param ( RID area, param, Variant value )

    Sets the value for an area parameter. A list of available parameters is on the constants.

    • void area_set_ray_pickable ( RID area, enable )

    Sets object pickable with rays.

    • void area_set_shape ( RID area, shape_idx, RID shape )

    Substitutes a given area shape by another. The old shape is selected by its index, the new one by its .

    • void area_set_shape_disabled ( RID area, shape_idx, bool disabled )

    • void area_set_shape_transform ( area, int shape_idx, transform )

    Sets the transform matrix for an area shape.

    • void area_set_space ( RID area, space )

    Assigns a space to the area.

    • void area_set_space_override_mode ( RID area, mode )

    Sets the space override mode for the area. The modes are described in the AreaSpaceOverrideMode constants.

    • void area_set_transform ( area, Transform transform )

    Sets the transform matrix for an area.

    • void body_add_central_force ( body, Vector3 force )

    • void body_add_collision_exception ( body, RID excepted_body )

    Adds a body to the list of bodies exempt from collisions.

    • void body_add_force ( body, Vector3 force, position )

    • void body_add_shape ( RID body, shape, Transform transform=Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ), disabled=false )

    Adds a shape to the body, along with a transform matrix. Shapes are usually referenced by their index, so you should track which shape has a given index.

    • void body_add_torque ( RID body, torque )

    • void body_apply_impulse ( RID body, position, Vector3 impulse )

    Gives the body a push at a position in the direction of the .

    • void body_apply_torque_impulse ( body, Vector3 impulse )

    Gives the body a push to rotate it.

    • void body_attach_object_instance_id ( body, int id )

    Assigns the area to a descendant of , so it can exist in the node tree.

    • void body_clear_shapes ( RID body )

    Removes all shapes from a body.

    • body_create ( BodyMode mode=2, init_sleeping=false )

    Creates a physics body. The first parameter can be any value from BodyMode constants, for the type of body created. Additionally, the body can be created in sleeping state to save processing time.

    • body_get_collision_layer ( RID body ) const

    Returns the physics layer or layers a body belongs to.

    • body_get_collision_mask ( RID body ) const

    Returns the physics layer or layers a body can collide with.

    • body_get_direct_state ( RID body )

    Returns the of the body.

    • float body_get_kinematic_safe_margin ( body ) const

    • int body_get_max_contacts_reported ( body ) const

    Returns the maximum contacts that can be reported. See body_set_max_contacts_reported.

    • body_get_mode ( RID body ) const

    Returns the body mode.

    • body_get_object_instance_id ( RID body ) const

    Gets the instance ID of the object the area is assigned to.

    • body_get_param ( RID body, param ) const

    Returns the value of a body parameter. A list of available parameters is on the BodyParameter constants.

    • body_get_shape ( RID body, shape_idx ) const

    Returns the RID of the nth shape of a body.

    • body_get_shape_count ( RID body ) const

    Returns the number of shapes assigned to a body.

    • body_get_shape_transform ( RID body, shape_idx ) const

    Returns the transform matrix of a body shape.

    • RID body_get_space ( body ) const

    Returns the RID of the space assigned to a body.

    • body_get_state ( RID body, state ) const

    Returns a body state.

    • body_is_continuous_collision_detection_enabled ( RID body ) const

    If true, the continuous collision detection mode is enabled.

    • body_is_omitting_force_integration ( RID body ) const

    Returns whether a body uses a callback function to calculate its own physics (see ).

    • bool body_is_ray_pickable ( body ) const

    If true, the body can be detected by rays.

    • void body_remove_collision_exception ( RID body, excepted_body )

    Removes a body from the list of bodies exempt from collisions.

    Continuous collision detection tries to predict where a moving body will collide, instead of moving it and correcting its movement if it collided.

    • void body_remove_shape ( RID body, shape_idx )

    Removes a shape from a body. The shape is not deleted, so it can be reused afterwards.

    • void body_set_axis_lock ( RID body, axis, bool lock )

    • void body_set_axis_velocity ( body, Vector3 axis_velocity )

    Sets an axis velocity. The velocity in the given vector axis will be set as the given vector length. This is useful for jumping behavior.

    • void body_set_collision_layer ( body, int layer )

    Sets the physics layer or layers a body belongs to.

    • void body_set_collision_mask ( body, int mask )

    Sets the physics layer or layers a body can collide with.

    • void body_set_enable_continuous_collision_detection ( body, bool enable )

    If true, the continuous collision detection mode is enabled.

    Continuous collision detection tries to predict where a moving body will collide, instead of moving it and correcting its movement if it collided.

    • void body_set_force_integration_callback ( body, Object receiver, method, Variant userdata=null )

    Sets the function used to calculate physics for an object, if that object allows it (see ).

    • void body_set_kinematic_safe_margin ( RID body, margin )

    • void body_set_max_contacts_reported ( RID body, amount )

    Sets the maximum contacts to report. Bodies can keep a log of the contacts with other bodies, this is enabled by setting the maximum amount of contacts reported to a number greater than 0.

    • void body_set_mode ( RID body, mode )

    • void body_set_omit_force_integration ( RID body, enable )

    Sets whether a body uses a callback function to calculate its own physics (see body_set_force_integration_callback).

    Sets a body parameter. A list of available parameters is on the BodyParameter constants.

    • void body_set_ray_pickable ( body, bool enable )

    Sets the body pickable with rays if is set.

    • void body_set_shape ( body, int shape_idx, shape )

    Substitutes a given body shape by another. The old shape is selected by its index, the new one by its RID.

    • void body_set_shape_disabled ( body, int shape_idx, disabled )

    • void body_set_shape_transform ( RID body, shape_idx, Transform transform )

    Sets the transform matrix for a body shape.

    • void body_set_space ( body, RID space )

    Assigns a space to the body (see ).

    • void body_set_state ( RID body, state, Variant value )

    Sets a body state (see constants).

    Gets a cone_twist_joint parameter (see constants).

    • void cone_twist_joint_set_param ( RID joint, param, float value )

    Sets a cone_twist_joint parameter (see constants).

    • void free_rid ( RID rid )

    Destroys any of the objects created by PhysicsServer. If the passed is not one of the objects that can be created by PhysicsServer, an error will be sent to the console.

    Gets a generic_6_DOF_joint flag (see constants).

    Gets a generic_6_DOF_joint parameter (see constants).

    • void generic_6dof_joint_set_flag ( RID joint, Vector3.Axis axis, flag, bool enable )

    Sets a generic_6_DOF_joint flag (see constants).

    • void generic_6dof_joint_set_param ( RID joint, Vector3.Axis axis, param, float value )

    Sets a generic_6_DOF_joint parameter (see constants).

    • int get_process_info ( process_info )

    Returns an Info defined by the ProcessInfo input given.

    • hinge_joint_get_flag ( RID joint, flag ) const

    Gets a hinge_joint flag (see HingeJointFlag constants).

    • hinge_joint_get_param ( RID joint, param ) const

    Gets a hinge_joint parameter (see HingeJointParam).

    Sets a hinge_joint flag (see HingeJointFlag constants).

    Sets a hinge_joint parameter (see HingeJointParam constants).

    • joint_create_cone_twist ( RID body_A, local_ref_A, RID body_B, local_ref_B )

    Creates a ConeTwistJoint.

    • joint_create_generic_6dof ( RID body_A, local_ref_A, RID body_B, local_ref_B )

    Creates a Generic6DOFJoint.

    • joint_create_hinge ( RID body_A, hinge_A, RID body_B, hinge_B )

    Creates a HingeJoint.

    • joint_create_pin ( RID body_A, local_A, RID body_B, local_B )

    Creates a PinJoint.

    • joint_create_slider ( RID body_A, local_ref_A, RID body_B, local_ref_B )

    Creates a SliderJoint.

    • joint_get_solver_priority ( RID joint ) const

    Gets the priority value of the Joint.

    • joint_get_type ( RID joint ) const

    Returns the type of the Joint.

    • void joint_set_solver_priority ( joint, int priority )

    Sets the priority value of the Joint.

    • pin_joint_get_local_a ( RID joint ) const

    Returns position of the joint in the local space of body a of the joint.

    • pin_joint_get_local_b ( RID joint ) const

    Returns position of the joint in the local space of body b of the joint.

    • pin_joint_get_param ( RID joint, param ) const

    Gets a pin_joint parameter (see PinJointParam constants).

    • void pin_joint_set_local_a ( joint, Vector3 local_A )

    Sets position of the joint in the local space of body a of the joint.

    • void pin_joint_set_local_b ( joint, Vector3 local_B )

    Sets position of the joint in the local space of body b of the joint.

    Sets a pin_joint parameter (see PinJointParam constants).

    • void set_active ( active )

    Activates or deactivates the 3D physics engine.

    • RID shape_create ( type )

    Creates a shape of a type from ShapeType. Does not assign it to a body or an area. To do so, you must use or body_set_shape.

    • shape_get_data ( RID shape ) const

    Returns the shape data.

    • shape_get_type ( RID shape ) const

    Returns the type of shape (see constants).

    • void shape_set_data ( RID shape, data )

    Sets the shape data that defines its shape and size. The data to be passed depends on the kind of shape created shape_get_type.

    • slider_joint_get_param ( RID joint, param ) const

    Gets a slider_joint parameter (see SliderJointParam constants).

    Gets a slider_joint parameter (see SliderJointParam constants).

    • space_create ( )

    Creates a space. A space is a collection of parameters for the physics engine that can be assigned to an area or a body. It can be assigned to an area with area_set_space, or to a body with .

    Returns the state of a space, a PhysicsDirectSpaceState. This object can be used to make collision/intersection queries.

    • space_get_param ( RID space, param ) const

    Returns the value of a space parameter.

    • bool space_is_active ( space ) const

    Returns whether the space is active.

    • void space_set_active ( RID space, active )

    • void space_set_param ( RID space, param, float value )

    Sets the value for a space parameter. A list of available parameters is on the constants.