
    Inherited By: , PopupMenu, , WindowDialog

    Base container control for popups and dialogs.

    Popup is a base used to show dialogs and popups. It’s a subwindow and modal by default (see Control) and has helpers for custom popup behavior. All popup methods ensure correct placement within the viewport.



    • about_to_show ( )

    • popup_hide ( )

    Emitted when a popup is hidden.

    • NOTIFICATION_POST_POPUP = 80 —- Notification sent right after the popup is shown.
    • NOTIFICATION_POPUP_HIDE = 81 —- Notification sent right after the popup is hidden.

    Property Descriptions

    If , the popup will not be hidden when a click event occurs outside of it, or when it receives the ui_cancel action event.

    Note: Enabling this property doesn’t affect the Close or Cancel buttons’ behavior in dialogs that inherit from this class. As a workaround, you can use or ConfirmationDialog.get_cancel and hide the buttons in question by setting their property to false.

    • void popup ( Rect2 bounds=Rect2( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) )

    • void popup_centered ( size=Vector2( 0, 0 ) )

    Popup (show the control in modal form) in the center of the screen relative to its current canvas transform, at the current size, or at a size determined by .

    • void popup_centered_clamped ( Vector2 size=Vector2( 0, 0 ), fallback_ratio=0.75 )

    Popup (show the control in modal form) in the center of the screen relative to the current canvas transform, clamping the size to size, then ensuring the popup is no larger than the viewport size multiplied by fallback_ratio.

    • void popup_centered_minsize ( Vector2 minsize=Vector2( 0, 0 ) )

    Popup (show the control in modal form) in the center of the screen relative to the current canvas transform, ensuring the size is never smaller than .

    • void popup_centered_ratio ( ratio=0.75 )

    Shrink popup to keep to the minimum size of content.