
    Inherited By:

    Detects approximately when the node is visible on screen.

    The VisibilityNotifier2D detects when it is visible on the screen. It also notifies when its bounding rectangle enters or exits the screen or a viewport.

    Note: For performance reasons, VisibilityNotifier2D uses an approximate heuristic with precision determined by If you need precise visibility checking, use another method such as adding an node as a child of a Camera2D node.



    • screen_entered ( )

    Emitted when the VisibilityNotifier2D enters the screen.

    Emitted when the VisibilityNotifier2D exits the screen.

    • viewport_exited ( viewport )

    Emitted when the VisibilityNotifier2D exits a Viewport‘s view.

    Property Descriptions

    • rect

    The VisibilityNotifier2D’s bounding rectangle.

    • bool is_on_screen ( ) const

    If , the bounding rectangle is on the screen.