Recording with microphone

    A simple demo is included in the official demo projects and will be used as support for this tutorial: .

    The demo consists of a single scene. This scene includes two major parts: the GUI and the audio.

    We will focus on the audio part. In this demo, a bus named with the effect Record is created to handle the audio recording. An AudioStreamPlayer named AudioStreamRecord is used for recording.


    The audio recording is handled by the AudioEffectRecord resource which has three methods: , is_recording_active(), and .


    On the next button press, as effect.is_recording_active() is true, the recorded stream can be stored into the variable by calling effect.get_recording().


    To playback the recording, you assign the recording as the stream of the AudioStreamPlayer and call play().

    To save the recording, you call with the path to a file. In this demo, the path is defined by the user via a LineEdit input box.