
    There is always only one active material in the list (the selected one).When you draw, the new strokes use the active material.

    The material always remains linked to the strokes, this means that any change in a material will changethe look of already drawn strokes.

    Same stroke linked to different materials.

    The 3D Viewport can be set to LookDev or Rendered shading,to interactively preview how the material looks in the scene.

    Grease Pencil Materials are data-blocks that can be to one or more objects, and different materials can be assigned to different strokes.

    In Grease Pencil the brushsettings together with the material used will define the look and feel of the final strokes.

    ../../_images/grease-pencil_materials_introduction_slots-panel.pngGrease Pencil material slots panel.

    Next to the material name there are three icons buttons that control common properties of the material:

    • Lock (padlock icon)
    • Toggle material from being editable.
    • Toggle material visibility in the viewport and in render.
    • Onion Skinning (onion skin icon)
    • Toggle the use of the material for .
    • Show All
    • Turns on the visibility of every material in the list.
    • Hide Others
    • Turns off the visibility of every material in the list except the active one.
    • Locks edition of all the materials in the list.
    • Unlock All
    • Unlocks edition of all the materials in the list.
    • Lock (padlock icon)
    • Toggle whether the active material is the only one that can be edited.
    • Visibility (screen icon)
    • Toggle whether the active material is the only one that can be edited and is visible.

    Grease Pencil Shader

    Grease Pencil Materials use a special shaderthat define the appearance of the surface of the stroke and fill.