Armature Modifier

    By adding an armature to an object,this object can be deformed accurately so that geometry does not have to be animated by hand.

    For more details on armatures usage, see the .

    • The name of the armature object used by this modifier.

    Methods to bind the armature to the strokes.

    • Vertex Groups
    • When enabled, bones of a given name will deform points which belong tovertex groups of the same name.e.g. a bone named "forearm", will only affect the points in the "forearm" vertex group.
    • When enabled, bones will deform points or control points near them,defined by each bone's envelope radius and distance.Enable/Disable bone defining the deformation(i.e. bones deform points in their neighborhood).

    Influence Filter

    • Vertex Group
    • The name of a vertex group of the object, the weights of which will be used to determine the influence of thisArmature Modifier's result when mixing it with the results from other Armature ones.

    Only meaningful when having at least two of these modifiers on the same object,with Multi Modifier activated.

    • Inverts the influence set by the vertex group defined in previous setting(i.e. reverses the weight values of this group).