
    • Number
    • Set the amount of hair strands. Use as little particles as possible,especially if you plan to use soft body animation later.But you need enough particles to have good control.For a "normal" haircut I found some thousand (very roughly 2000) particles to give enough control.You may need a lot more particles if you plan to cover a body with fur.Volume will be produced later with Children.
    • Hair Length
    • Controls how long the hair are.
    • Emit From
      • Vertices
      • Emits hair particles from the vertices of a mesh.When using this the distribution settings (see below) are not available.
      • Emits hair particles from the surface of a mesh's faces.
      • Volume
      • Emits hair particles from the volume of an enclosed mesh.
    • Random
    • Hair particles are emitted in a random order.
    • Even Distribution
    • Hair particle distribution is made even based on surface area of the elements,i.e. small elements emit less particles than large elements, so that the particle density is even.
    • Distribution
    • Take any above the Particle Modifierin the modifier stack into account when emitting particles.